Friday, March 17, 2006

So, I read an article yesterday that got me thinking. It seem the Dutch are requiring all immigrants to purchase and view a rather racy video, with images that include two men kissing, as well as images of nude women. The idea is that militant Muslims will refuse to watch it. But what about your average non-militant, but religously observant Muslim? Or Orthodox Jews? Or conservative Christians? Or any number of other groups out there that could be offended by these images? While I am 100% in favor of tolerance, it seems that this policy is designed to only allow in those people who are extremely liberal, and therefore, supportive of the current government. What if Bush were to require that all immigrants to the USA purchase and watch videos of Pat Robertson and James Dobson, and that only those with conservative Christian views would be allowed? It would never be allowed to hapen, nor would I want it to. Diversity and tolerance are two of the ways we use to learn to get along with others. There is possibly more to this story than what was presented in that small article, but I still have to ask, what should we allow our governments to do in the name of security?


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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