Friday, November 03, 2006

Do you want to go faster???

The other day I saw a news item about how Texas has raised the speed limit on some of it’s highways to 80 MPH. I gotta tell you, I started drooling. I am one of those people who likes to drive fast. And if the conditions and traffic permit it, I have been known to drive very fast. Now, don’t get me wrong, I generally obey all the rest of the traffic laws; I use my turn signals, I stop (completely!) at stop signs and stop lights, and I yield to traffic moving faster than me. (Yes, that does happen.) But I do speed, I can’t help it. It’s in my blood. I would do it on the racetrack, except that race cars are a rich persons hobby, which I am not.
But what about those drivers are too timid to drive that fast? You know the ones I’m talking about. They putter along doing exactly 55 MPH, even when the limit is 65 or 70 MPH. If you ask them, they will tell you it is safer driving 55, and they may be right. And if they stay in the right lane, as they are supposed to, than there is little effect to the rest of us who want to drive faster. But we all know what happens, don’t we? There are always those who believe that not only is doing 50 or 55 right for them, but it should be right for every one else. So, they plant themselves in the left lane, and effectively force everyone else to drive slow. I have had too many occasions where I’m cruising along in the left lane, when some bonehead in the right lane, going considerably slower, will just randomly pull into the left lane, usually without even using a turn signal. They will then proceed to match the speed of the right lane traffic. So for the next 5 or 10 miles, myself, and everyone else in the left lane will be looking for any opening to get by this so called "highway vigilante", hopefully without getting into an accident. While I tend to get very impatient, and I have been known to mouth the word MORON to them in their rearview mirror, I will not risk trying to get by when there is no opening. But there are always those who will. They will basically force their way past, coming within inches of causing an accident. So, who is right in that situation, the people trying to do the speed limit, or the driver who believes that it is his job to slow everyone down? And what happens when this starts happening at 80 or 90 MPH, as in Texas? And, perhaps more importantly, how do you educate people on how to drive on the speed ways, er, I mean highways, with respect for all their fellow drivers, whether fast, or slow? With the way people drive now, all I see on the horizon is a lot of wrecked vehicles and lost lives. Too bad, I was really thinking how nice Texas could be. God bless you all, Ken


At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ken, you would get along just fine with my husband I believe. He, too, would love to be on a race track and is frustrated by those who do drive the speed limit and those who drive under it.

Now, I sympathize with the under limit drivers, but when it comes to staying at the legal posted limit I have one thing to say...
GET OVER IT!!! Okay, I feel better now. ;) I am one who might like speeding under certain conditions, but out of respect to the law and to the example I am setting for others, I really do not want to speed. Not to mention that pain and agony of an accident.

Perhaps it would be better if we did not keep trying to speed up the pace of our lives any faster than we already have. Enjoy the journey instead of rushing to the destination. If it saves lives and avoids accidents, I am all for it!

Now, if I showed your post to my husband, I am sure you would get a different response (most of the time) and perhaps the two of you can figure out how to make race tracks available to the average guy who has that lead foot and a need to speed! :)


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