Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's not about speed...

Well, it appears that I have lost all 10 of my regular readers. I would hope that it is due to the stretch between posts, and not because of differing opinions. I received some rather nasty e-mails after my post on the old laws, and to be honest, I almost walked away from blogging. I expected that many would disagree, but I did not expect the attacks that took place. I do not even know if the writer(s) were a regular reader as they would not sign a name to the letters. But I do know this. Everything I write is Spirit led. And the Spirit is still leading me to write. So, I will continue as I am led, even if it appears that there is no one to read it. I do not believe, though, that I am being led to write for nothing.
My last post, on speed limits, actually had nothing to do with speed limits. You see, the highway I was referring to was actually the road that we, as Christians, are all on together. God created this road to Him so that we could join Him in Heaven. Early on, there were many rules, tolls, fines, and roadblocks that prevented us from getting anywhere. So God sent His son, Jesus, to clear the road for us. People keep missing this point: It doesn't matter who made the rules, charged the tolls and fines, or who put up the roadblocks. When Jesus died, he removed it all. There are no more speed limits. In fact, He said there were only two rules; Love and respect the Maker of the road, and love and respect each other. Oh, and he asked that we help those who stall out on the side of the road. And he asked that we go into the towns along the highway, to tell people about the highway, and to show them how to get on it. Pretty simple,wouldn't you think?
But instead, we have some people, cruising along in stained glass limousines, and stained glass Humvees, each in their own private little group, enforcing rules that are no longer in effect, making people pay tolls and fines, and even setting up roadblocks to stop those they don't think are worthy. They ignore the many cars broken down on the side of the road, and they would never think of leaving the highway to go into the towns. But my, what a pretty view they have with all that stained glass in the windows.
But I have news for you. There is only one Sheriff, and he is the only one with the power to make rules, enforce rules, or to fine us. That would be Jesus. All those trying to enforce what they believe the rules should be will have to answer in the end. For as we judge, so shall we be judged. As we condemn, so shall we be condemned. As we damn, so shall we be damned.
So, as we travel this road together, remember to be courteous to those who are on the road with you. Help those who break down, or get stuck, and get into the towns, and tell everyone how to get onto the highway. That's it. That is what we as Christians are called to do. Period.
So, when I see you on the highway, I'll try to wave. For sure I will smile. And I will see each of you at the end, where we will each finally ditch our vehicles, and join our Lord and Maker in joyous communion. Won't that be a glorious day! God bless each of you, Ken


At 10:11 AM, Blogger Deb said...

I couldn't have said this better myself! Isn't that the whole point? Jesus saved us. He paid the FULL price. It doesn't get better than that, does it?

I think that people get very passionate about what they believe to be true. And believe me Ken, I've been bashed and ridiculed for my beliefs on my own blog, but never, ever walk away from it. Stand strong-you're a believer! You always inspire me.

I was away for a while because I kept checking in on your post, but there wasn't anything written. I'm a reader for life! Well, as long as you keep this blog going!

God bless!

At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOH, it didn't take my first comment, so I'll try again...

I am such a literal thinker that I think if you had put an imagery disclaimer on your speed post I might have gotten it, but then again I might have been to focused on my husbands lead foot that I might have not seen the forest for the trees! ;)

I love this post. I enjoy reading your writing. Don't stop. You will never get everyone to agree. I don't always agree with what you write but it gets me searching, praying and seeking when I don't and that is good. Sometimes I come around and other times I have to take a firm stand in my disagreement (even if I don't tell you).

Keep writing. I'll be back! We were never promised it would be easy.

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Shalee said...

Ken, you haven't lost everyone. I don't have to agree with you in order to read you. I like that you brought it out because it gave me a good reason to delve into the Bible to really search out the reasons for my beliefs. That is a good purpose in bringing up controversial issues.

I'm sorry that you had some terrible emails from those who were not brave enough to leave their names to their words. That is just cowardly and rude.

Don't give up blogging Ken. Please don't let the insult of a few keep you from writing your views.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger kpjara said...

Ken, I agree with the others. I know I can always come here for strong, truth-filled posts...and if I ever disagree we can dialogue that or I can take new knowledge and move along.

I agree about this blog being more than just for us...and we must continue whether readers comments or come or we just write for the glory of God!

Plus, you are such an encourager to so many! I'm glad you're here.

At 11:37 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Hi Ken,
I'm a first-time visitor, so I can't say why your readers have dwindled....though I'd guess it's probably just from long pauses between posts.

I scrolled down and read your post on Pharisees, etc. Although I wholeheartedly disagree with basically all of your conclusions, I am very sorry that you were treated with disrespect by those who emailed you without love in their hearts.

As for this post, I think you make some interesting points. YES, we are absolutely called to love our neighbors, and to dwell in unity with the brethren. YES, we should preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to all who will hear. (That’s my very brief paraphrase of what you said we should be doing…) =)

He did not say “there are only two rules.” Loving God and our neighbor are the most important commands, or the culmination of ‘the Law and the Prophets”, but that does not mean that we are given no further instruction on how to live a life of Love. Jesus said "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.” There’s no way I can decompress that statement to deal with it comprehensively in this comment. But I just want to say emphatically that there are specific instructions/rules/commands/speed limits/rules of the road/whateveryouwanttocallthem that we are given as Christians.
Your post left me with the impression that you are saying we are supposed all to live our lives according to our own understanding of what we think it means to “love God and neighbor”, and that our understanding can be completely devoid of any concrete, established, moral or spiritual principles. I am a new reader, so forgive me if I completely misread this post because of a lack of familiarity with you. But if you are saying that the moral guidelines established in the Scripture have become irrelevant in light of the cross, I urge you to revisit the Word and reconsider your position. If you care to clarify your opinion, I will try to keep tabs on this post to respond accordingly.


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