Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Things that make you go.......WHAT?

So, my sixteen year old daughters home sick. Too sick for school, but not too sick to sit at the computer, the computer my wife and I paid for, but she believes is hers. ( this is why you won't see a lot of weekend posts here) I get up this morning, (I work evenings) and I see her laying on the couch. I go to the kitchen, make coffee, and figure I'll check my e-mail and such, while I have a chance. A couple minutes later, this conversation took place:

J- Dad??
Me- Yes?
J- My juice just spilled, can you get me more?
Me- Did you wipe it up?
J- No
Me- What? Why not?
J- I'm sick. Can you get me more juice?

Needless to say, things got a little heated after that. Did I mention she's sixteen?


At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I hear you!! I have a 17 yo dd, 16 yo dnephew, 14 yo ds and then my two little girls 5 and 6.

It is amazing how little they can do of the things we find important and how much they can do of the things we do not! Illness and injuries are a true test of their capabilities in these areas!!! ;)

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.


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