Thursday, April 13, 2006


My thought for the day, as we enter the Easter weekend, is this. As Christians, we are followers of Christ. This something we say we believe, but do we? Do we really understand what it means to follow Jesus. Jesus not only lived a perfect, sinless life, but in the end He sacrificed it all for us. He gave His life for our sins. It was also His final lesson on true love, sacrificing all for those who didn't deserve it. It is that example of love we are called to when we told to "take up your cross and follow...." Think about that. Most of us sacrifice some for others; money, time, sweat, and so on. We even do it for people we don't know, on occasion. But Jesus sacrificed His very life for us. Could you? Would you? I think most of us would put our life on the line for our family, maybe even a close friend. But what about sacrificing your life for someone you barely know? Or even a complete stranger? I think most of us would have a hard time doing that. I know I would. Yet, if we are to call ourselves Christians, should we not be ready to follow Him, to lay our lives down for someone else, even if they don't deserve it? Even if they are homeless, or criminals, or drug addicts? Or perhaps, that wealthy family down the street, the ones with all the money, but no moral integrity, didn't Christ die for them too? And if He did, shouldn't we be willing to? Now, very few of us will ever get put in the position where we would have to choose, but if you did, what would be your choice? Life here, or the eternal life with our Lord? I would hope and pray that I would make the choice that would validate my life as a follower of Jesus. May the Lord bless each of you this Easter season.


At 8:05 AM, Blogger kpjara said...

This is honestly where the rubber meets the road and I want to say with certainty..."YES, I WILL live the life I'm proclaiming to live!" but honestly...I still turn my head far too often for me to say 'I'm there' yet.

Follower of Christ: Without Doubt!
Work in Progress: Definitely!
Willing Vessel: Hopefully?

At 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.


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