Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm back!

Wow....that's all I can say. My Unidas en Cristos weekend was unbelievable. I do now understand why they ask those who have gone through not to talk about it. I will share a little, but even that will have to wait, as my wife will be doing hers this coming weekend, and I do not want to spoil any part of it. Unidas en Cristo, which means United in Christ, is part of the Cursillo movement. Many denominations have their own specific program, which, by my understanding, follows the same basic format for the weekends. Some of the other, similar programs include Via de Cristo, Walk to Emmaus, and Kairos, which is a prison ministry. Basically, the weekend is a means to develop or strengthen a persons faith in Jesus as our Savior and Redeemer. I knew that much going in, but I was not prepared for the many extraordinary things that happened. I saw God working through the Holy Spirit through out the weekend. I really do wish I could say more, but I will tell you this; I came away with a much deeper faith, a clearer understanding of the things I need to change in myself, and a clear call to share the Word of God out in the community. Those of you who have programs such as this in your region, I cannot give you enough encouragement to go, sign up and do it. You will not regret it, I can guarantee that. Most programs will require that if married, both persons must go. There were men this last weekend who were more or less pushed into going by their wives. (I was not one of these.) At the end of the weekend, these men were proclaiming themselves as changed men, and expressing how thankful they were that that their wives "forced" them to attend. But in the end, we realize, it is God who put all of us there together for this amazing weekend. I will share more later, but for now, if you are interested, I have put a link to the Unido en Cristos home page on my sidebar. Use the links button at their home page to find programs in your area or denomination. God bless each of you today, Ken


At 9:24 AM, Blogger kpjara said...

I have a co-worker/friend who has gone and "served" on the Walk to Emmaus and she, like you, came away changed and enlightened. As a matter of fact, just today she put in her resignation and is stepping out in faith to do the missions work God has called her to...either locally or abroad!

I can definitely see the draw. I wonder sometimes what it's going to take to propel me forward from this place to the next!

Blessings and thanks for sharing. I'll keep you and your wife in my prayers as you both go through this experience!

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and I were to attend Walk to Emmaus in the past but were unable to. One day, when God directs we plan on attending. We always here wonderful things from those who attended.

I will be back to here more when you have time to post.

At 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

while everyone seems to have a "life changing" experience, I would like to share a different perspective. I just got back from one of these weekends, and here are just a few of my thoughts. The "surprises" were very nice, so I wont give them away. But here's what i didnt like. The blocking out of all the sunlight by cardboard and thick paper on the windows. Not being able to call my wife or talk to my kids all weekend . Not being able to take a run for exercise. Having my watch taken away was not a big deal for me since I havent worn one for over a decade. However, nobody knew what time it was and the weekend schedule was kept secret, so you never knew what was next. Sitting for long hours listening to talks, it was way tmi! Impossible to process evrything that was said. Having only 2 bathroom stalls made for a lot of waiting during our extremely short breaks. I asked for some quiet time to relax and reflect and was not given it. Not being able to leave the building, I felt trapped in that dark church basement. Talk about sensory deprivation. It made me realize how much I enjoy the sun, the outdoors, flowers,trees. While trying to show me God's grace , they kept me from things that keep me close to God and enjoying him. These and other things I dont have time to mention kept me so distracted, that I couldn't relax, enjoy and worship God. Soryy if I am offending anyone. The spiritual leaders were decent people and had good intentions, but it was bad techniques to reach a good, grace-filled end.

At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice site.
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